2008年10月27日 星期一

upn-10/27-dinner news &taiwan super lottery predict number

10/27 -臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539 樂透預測號碼&taiwan super lottery& taiwan 539 predict number

10/27 -臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539 樂透預測號碼&taiwan super lottery& taiwan 539 predict number

10/27 -臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539 樂透預測號碼&taiwan super lottery& taiwan 539 predict number

upn- 10/23 -樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 & 台灣 539 &china-hong kong-taiwan lottery predict number-

中國雙色球 預測號碼 10 月 28

china two color october 28

香港六合彩 預測號碼 10 月 28

hong kong lottery
2008 october 28

臺灣 super 樂透 預測號碼 10 月 27 monday
02 10 16 25 36 04
09 11 18 28 37 24
special 04 08

taiwan super lottery
2008 october 27 monday
02 10 16 25 36 04
09 11 18 28 37 24
special 04 08

台灣 539 預測號碼 10月 27 monday
04 10 12 23 34
08 11 16 29 39



uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:25 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 27, 2008
upn-10/27-food news-寶蓮華國際股份有限公司,代理日本鑛泉株式會社生產的健康飲料醋系列商品—La Vamont

備受矚目的台灣全方位美食情報寶蓮華國際股份有限公司,代理日本鑛泉株式會社生產的健康飲料醋系列商品— La Vamont ,宣示以日本第一的健康飲料醋為定位,正式進軍台灣,為國內外廣大消費者,提供最優質的健康飲料醋系列產品。


寶蓮華國際股份有限公司以多年的經營,體認鑛泉株式會社的健康飲料醋商品,既能在講究的日本消費市場歷30年而不搖,寶蓮華國際股份有限公司居La Vamont第一個海外代理,對產品投入台灣市場寄予厚望。

會中以日本COSPLAY走秀開場,並邀請神必嘉賓 知名歌手葉璦菱現場公開私房醋飲、有機美食達人雷蒙首次發表醋的百變養生料理包括洛神花醋溜排骨、枸杞芝麻涼拌山藥、百香醋花枝條、玉菜沙拉、小黃瓜紫菜、涼拌喬麥麵等,調酒冠軍現場公開各式醋與酒的健康飲法以及日本商社健康醋達人,首次來台發表好醋妙用。另外更邀請了美國西北大學碩士 裴紹企 醫師,介紹醋如何對抗人體的毒素。同時發表旗下La Vamont系列醋飲:蘋果健康醋、梅子健康醋、玄米健康醋,共三款超濃縮(六倍稀釋飲用)、鹼性、低熱量且為100%日本原裝進口的健康飲料醋,做為台灣市場首波發表的先發商品。

La Vamont 健康飲料醋擁有獨家的領先技術,在製造過程中分為化學醋、酒精醋、混合醋及釀造醋。釀造健康飲料醋必須具備下數三種條件:慎選醋酸菌種、國際品質認證的科學發酵技術以及掌握精確流程,發酵時間長達八個月至一年。綜合以上核心技術,使得 La Vamont 健康飲料醋擁有別於一般的優越性。

『蘋果‧Vamont』,是從美國的佛蒙特州所引進的Vamont民間療法,是一種以「VERMONTFOLK MEDICINE」為根據所製造而成的健康飲料,以純正的天然釀造蘋果醋作基底,除了蜂王漿、維生素C、人蔘也富含兼具健康與美容的成分。並使用天然的甜菊萃,甜菊萃的甜度高於砂糖200~300倍,用量約比砂糖少也能夠嚐到甜味,因此,及使是低熱量也能品嚐到甜味。這樣的蘋果‧Vamont最適合擔心熱量過高、三餐在外營養不均衡、想調理生理機能以及想維持青春永駐的消費者飲用。



La Vamont 健康飲料醋飲全系列,是全國健康飲料醋中第一個,也是唯一100%日本原裝進口、六倍超濃縮之醋飲。後續計劃則包括以多元化通路、多樣化產品,進行市場發展規劃,同時以立足台灣、佈局全球的宏觀策略,以將 La Vamont 成功推向台灣第一健康飲料醋為目標。

知名連鎖超商Jasons Market Place.秉持著新鮮、自然、健康的理念,大力提倡有機食品,對於此次推廣La Vamont健康飲料醋不遺餘力。即日起已在各Jasons Market Place.及全省各大百貨開架通路及網路商域同步販售。詳情請見寶蓮華國際股份有限公司網站http://store.gomy.com.tw/2274/


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:27 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
October 29, 2008
upntoday-03- world website-china -hong kong-taiwan

upntoday-03- world website-china -hong kong-taiwan

upntoday- world website-china -hong kong-taiwan

world lottery -world wibesite: in taiwan-china-hong kong

1. in taiwan wretch: www.wretch.cc/blog/uptoday

2. in taiwan yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kentyen2006

3. in taiwan google: http://upntoday.blogspot.com

4. in taiwan msn : www.upntoday.spaces.live.com

5.in taiwan : map : http://map.answerbox.net/user-60204.htm

6. in taiwan sina : http://blog.sina.com.tw/upntoday

7. in taiwan yam : http://blog.yam.com/upntoday

8.in taiwan pchome: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/upntoday

9. in taiwan pixnet: http://blog.pixnet.net/upntoday

10. in taiwan google: http://uptoday168.blogspot.com/

11. in taiwan msn: www.uptoday168.spces.live.com


1. in china -baidu http://hi.baidu.com/upntoday

2. in china -sina http://blog.sina.com.cn/uptoday2008

1. in hong kong yahoo : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/upntoday

2. in hong kong sina : http://upntoday.mysinablog.com


world lottery -world wibesite:



uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:47 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
October 27, 2008
upn-10/27-world news-14-歐亞股市以及油價星期一繼續下跌
歐亞股市以及油價星期一繼續下跌 記者: 美國之音






uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:18 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
October 27, 2008
upn-10/27-world news-13-u.s.a.news-US Economy Remains Focus of Presidential Campaigns
US Economy Remains Focus of Presidential Campaigns
By Michael Bowman
26 October 2008

Bowman report - Download (MP3)
Bowman report - Listen (MP3)

Nine days before the U.S. elections, the country's economic woes remain a focal point of the presidential race. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington.

With polls showing Americans worried about their jobs and finances, both presidential candidates have come up with plans to revive the economy - and each has said their opponent would make a bad situation worse.

John McCain in Cedar Falls, Iowa, 26 Oct 2008
Republican presidential contender John McCain has sought to portray his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, as a big-spending government interventionist. Speaking on NBC's Meet the Press program Sunday, McCain said increasing government spending would be irresponsible, considering the government's current debt burden.

"Spending was completely out of control. We laid a $10-trillion hole [debt] on future generations of America," said John McCain. "The housing crisis, combined with a country that is living way beyond its means, is a combination, which has put us into this great financial crisis we are in."

McCain has pledged to rein in government spending.

But Obama says McCain would continue President Bush's failed economic program that favored the wealthy over the middle class.

Barack Obama in Denver, Colorado, 26 Oct 2008
The Illinois Senator spoke at a campaign rally in Colorado.

"We are going to have to turn the page on eight years of economic policies that put Wall Street [investors] before Main Street [ordinary citizens] and ended up hurting both," said Barack Obama. "Rich people do better when ordinary folks are doing well. We need policies that grow our economy from the bottom up."

The consensus view of economists is that, having been through a devastating credit crisis sparked by a rash of home foreclosures, the United States could already be in a recession. Senator Obama's plan to revive the economy includes a new federal economic stimulus package focusing on infrastructure projects and aid to states facing budget shortfalls as a result of declining tax revenue.

An Obama economic advisor, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, spoke on CBS' Face the Nation program.

"If you look at the credit markets, which is what is really going to determine what happens to our economy, not the stock market, there was quite a bit of improvement over the last week," said Robert Rubin. "But I think there is a lot more we need to do. I think it is imperative we have a very large fiscal stimulus. I do think the power of public policy in its entirety - that which has been done, plus a large fiscal stimulus - should be able to stem this [economic downturn] within a reasonable period of time."

Also appearing on the program, a McCain advisor touted the Arizona Senator's proposal for the federal government to buy up mortgages that are in danger of default. Douglas Holtz-Eakin said the plan would aid struggling homeowners and address what many economic observers regard as the root cause of the current financial turmoil.

"Where do you place your faith? Do you place it in the institutions that have failed us, which quite frankly are in Washington and in Wall Street, or do you put the money in the places where we know we can get effective results? And John McCain has not advocated sticking the money into Wall Street banks and the like," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin. "Let us put the money into the housing market. That is where this problem started. Let us get people into mortgages they can afford, and let us take care of the small businesses."

Polls continue to show Barack Obama leading in the presidential race, both nationally and in key states that he and Senator McCain are contesting. Obama has warned his supporters against complacency, while McCain is predicting he will close the gap in the final days before the election.


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