2008年8月29日 星期五
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upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
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September 29, 2008
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September 28, 2008
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August 29, 2008
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August 29, 2008
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August 29, 2008
upn-10-world news-economic news-財經簡訊 記者: 雨田 陳健
財經簡訊 記者: 雨田 陳健
8月份歐元區的零售銷售連續第三個月下降。彭博新聞社委託經濟研究機構Markit Economics進行的調查報告顯示,歐元區採購經理人指數從7月份的46上升到8月份的47.7,這是該指數連續第三個月低於50,表明零售銷售下降。其中,德國的零售銷售指數從46.4下降到44.1,法國的銷售指數從51.3上升到53.7,義大利的指數由38.2升至44.8。
美國的重型機械設備生產商卡特彼勒公司(Caterpillar )表示,受中國和其他新興經濟體的建築和礦業設備需求推動,預計今年公司的銷售將創下歷史記錄。該公司預計,今年在中國市場的銷售將達到20億美元,從而推動公司的全球銷售額突破500億美元。卡特彼勒董事長歐文斯(James Owens)稱,本公司在亞洲擁有相當多的礦業和發電重型設備訂單,因此到2010年公司生產的大多數設備都將售完。
全球最大的鋼鐵生產商阿塞洛-米塔爾集團(Arcelor Mittal),將與中國湖南華菱鋼鐵集團組建合資公司,總投資65億元人民幣(約9.51億美元)。合資協議已於今年8月11日簽署。根據協議,華菱鋼鐵集團和阿塞洛-米塔爾將各持有合資公司50%的股權,公司註冊資本為26億元人民幣,該公司將生產電工鋼。華菱鋼鐵集團稱,目前這項合資協議正在等待政府審批。
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:46 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-09-world news-asia news-亞洲股市
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:45 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-08-world news-u.s.a. news-奧巴馬正式接受提名 抨擊麥凱恩 記者: 美國之音
奧巴馬正式接受提名 抨擊麥凱恩 記者: 美國之音
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:44 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-07-world news-世行:發展中國家貧困人口超預計 記者: 許波
世行:發展中國家貧困人口超預計 記者: 許波
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:43 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-06-world news-u.s.a. news-McCain to Reveal His Vice Presidential Pick Friday
McCain to Reveal His Vice Presidential Pick Friday
By VOA News
29 August 2008
John McCain and his wife Cindy wave as they board the Straight Talk Air campaign charter airplane, 28 Aug 2008
Republican presidential candidate John McCain will celebrate his 72nd birthday Friday by introducing his vice presidential running mate at a rally in Dayton, Ohio.
McCain's campaign announced Thursday the Arizona senator had made his choice, but would not reveal who the person is. McCain himself ignored reporters' questions when he and wife, Cindy, arrived at a Phoenix, Arizona airport to fly to Dayton.
Speculation has grown that McCain will either choose Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty or former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who waged a bitter fight against McCain for the Republican nomination.
Pawlenty canceled a number of media appearances Thursday in Denver, Colorado, where Democratic rival Barack Obama accepted his party's presidential nomination. But it was unclear if there was any connection to the vice presidential pick.
Senator Joe Lieberman
Another possible choice, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, is drawing considerable fire from hardline conservatives over his support for abortion rights. Lieberman was Democrat Al Gore's vice-presidential running mate in 2000. He has since become an independent due to his strong support for the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
Former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge and U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison are also thought to be under consideration.
McCain aired a television advertisement Thursday congratulating Obama on a "job well done" for his historic nomination.
But in a separate statement, McCain's campaign Thursday mocked the classic Greek-style columns on the stage for Obama's speech.
The veteran Arizona lawmaker will formally accept the Republican presidential nomination at the party's national convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.
Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:38 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-05-world news-middle east news-Palestinian President Visits Lebanon
Palestinian President Visits Lebanon
By Edward Yeranian
28 August 2008
Yeranian report - Download (MP3)
Yeranian report - Listen (MP3)
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas is meeting with top Lebanese officials, on a two-day visit, expected to include discussions over the future of the large Palestinian refugee community in Lebanon, and the armed presence of different Palestinian factions on Lebanese soil. Edward Yeranian has more for VOA from Beirut.
Lebanese President Michel Sulayman, left, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas review an honor guard, at the Presidential Palace in suburban Baabda, Lebanon, 28 Aug 2008
The red carpet was out, and an official honor guard stood at attention, as President Michel Sulayman embraced Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at Beirut Airport.
Mr. Abbas met at length with President Sulayman at the Presidential Palace, insisting, afterwards, that he would like to express support for Lebanon's new-found political stability, following the Doha Agreement to form a national unity government in May.
The Palestinian president took great pains to thank Lebanon for what he called the "many sacrifices" it has made for the Palestinian cause, over the years, as well as his sympathy for all the "suffering" that Lebanon has endured.
Responding to a reporter's question about the armed presence of various Palestinian factions in Lebanon, Abbas insisted all Palestinians must respect Lebanon's sovereignty.
He says that his position on Palestinian arms inside Lebanon is that we agree with the Lebanese government completely. Palestinians are present in Lebanon under the law, and not above the law.
Lebanese political leaders have complained over the years that armed Palestinian factions, present in 12 refugee camps scattered across the country, have ignored the law and created pockets of instability.
The Lebanese Army lost more than 100 soldiers last summer, during a bitter and bloody fight with Fatah-al-Islam Palestinian extremists, holed up in the Nahr al Bared refugee camp, outside the port city of Tripoli. The camp was almost totally destroyed during the fighting, and its residents were forced to find refuge, elsewhere.
Former residents of Nahr al Bared continue to live in often squalid temporary quarters, despite official pledges to rebuild the camp.
President Abbas also indicated that his government's official position was that all Palestinian refugees must eventually return to Palestine, and not be settled in Lebanon permanently.
"Palestinian refugees," he said " must have the right to return to their homeland, and we are discussing the issue with Israel and I want to insist on the fact that we are opposed to the implantation of Palestinians in Lebanon."
Souheil Natour, a top leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which belongs to President Abbas' Fatah group, says that Mr. Abbas must stand up for the rights of Palestinian refugees, inside Lebanon, since they are often treated badly.
"One of the aims of the Palestinians is to guarantee the human rights for the Palestinian community in Lebanon, which are negated by all the Lebanese laws," Abbas said. "Until now, we are discriminated against, and I think the suffering of the Palestinians must be ended.
On the other hand, there are a lot of political issues who are not solved between the Palestinians and the Lebanese. One of them is the arms, and I think the Lebanese have their file and the Palestinians have their file. So, positively I hope they will discuss the matters with much more mature experience of the last decades."
The United Nations estimates 400,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon. Most fled to Lebanon in 1947 during what Israel calls its "war of independence," and what Palestinians refer to as their "nukhba" national disaster.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:36 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-04-world news-asia news-Georgia's Parliament Urges Breaking Diplomatic Ties With Russ
Georgia's Parliament Urges Breaking Diplomatic Ties With Russia
By Peter Heinlein
29 August 2008
Heinlein report - Download (MP3)
Heinlein report - Listen (MP3)
Georgia's parliament is calling on the government to break diplomatic relations with Russia.VOA's Peter Heinlein reports from Tbilisi that the non-binding resolution was approved unanimously.
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visits city of Gori in central Georgia, damaged by Russian airstrikes two weeks ago, 25 Aug 2008
The text of the resolution passed late Thursday urges President Mikheil Saakashvili to declare Russian forces in Georgia "occupiers," and to cut all diplomatic ties with Moscow. All 106 lawmakers present voted in favor of the resolution.
After the vote, Member of Parliament David Darchiashvili of the ruling Unified National Movement called the measure largely symbolic, but said, "We cannot give any name to Russian troops other than 'occupation.'"
During a brief parliamentary debate before the vote, Defense and Security Committee Chairman Nicholas Rurua told lawmakers that "Russia is being ruled by former Soviet security service agents who consider the end of the Cold War as their defeat." He warned that if Russia does not stop what he called "its outrageous actions, it would lead to the disintegration of Russia itself."
Earlier, Rurua told VOA that diplomatic pressure has been effective in moderating Moscow's behavior.
"I think Western pressure already put on Russia has had its effect," he said. "It works and it will work because Russia depends on the West. It's not the Soviet Union that was self-sufficient."
A spokesman for President Saakashvili said he would have no comment on parliament's action. In an interview with the Reuters news agency on Wednesday, the Georgian leader brushed aside the question of breaking ties with Moscow, saying "I would not focus on bilateral relations right now."
Diplomats say a formal act of breaking relations would have little practical effect because all but two Georgian diplomats have already been called home, including the ambassador.
The parliamentary vote came hours after China and several Central Asian nations - the so-called "Shanghai Five" - rebuffed Russia's hopes of international support for its actions in Georgia.
This latest blow, on top of condemnation from the United States and Europe, has left Moscow diplomatically isolated. Georgian political analyst Archil Gegeshidze says even Russia's closest friends are keeping quiet.
"On the diplomatic language, this means Russia has failed," Gegeshidze said. "And so far, only the terroristic organization Hamas has supported Russia's recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Not a single state, not even Venezuela, Cuba, so far they have not said anything in this regard."
A Russian news agency Thursday reported that close ally Belarus might become the first country to join Moscow's recognition of Georgia's two breakaway regions.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:35 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-03-world news-asia news-US Military: More Than 100 Militants Killed in Southern Afghanist
US Military: More Than 100 Militants Killed in Southern Afghanistan
By VOA News
28 August 2008
The U.S.-led coalition says its troops have killed more than 100 militants during three days of fighting in southern Afghanistan.
In a statement Thursday, coalition officials said Afghan and coalition forces were on patrol in Helmand province Monday, when they were attacked several times by militants using gunfire, rocket-propelled grenades, and mortars.
Coalition officials say troops returned fire and called in air support. The fighting continues today.
Earlier, the Afghan defense ministry said Afghan troops were engaged in clashes with militants in the Nad Ali district of Helmand. Several militants were reported killed.
Also, Danish military officials today said Danish troops had witnessed Afghan soldiers shooting and killing an Afghan detainee Wednesday in Helmand. Danish media reports the Afghan prisoner had been in British custody.
Separately, Afghan officials say Afghan security forces have begun taking over command of the the capital, Kabul, from NATO forces.
Officials say the security hand-over is a largely symbolic move to reflect the growing strength of Afghan troops.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced the measure earlier this summer. Foreign troops will continue to patrol parts of Kabul.
There are currently close to 60,000 troops in the Afghan army, and that number is expected to grow.
Also today, President Karzai condemned the killing of a Japanese aid worker, calling it a cowardly act.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:34 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-02-world news-americas news-Argentina, Chile's Leaders Ranked Among World's Power
Argentina, Chile's Leaders Ranked Among World's Powerful Women
By VOA News
28 August 2008
Forbes magazine says the presidents of Argentina and Chile are among the 100 most powerful women in the world.
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (file photo)
The business magazine listed Argentina's President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, as world's 13th most powerful woman.
It reported Chile's President, Michelle Bachelet, as the world's 25th most powerful woman.
Forbes gave the top spot to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a third straight year.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ranked seventh. Rice dropped three slots compared to last year, edged out by, among others, the chief executive of Kraft Foods.
Forbes says the women on the list control about $26 trillion worldwide.
The list includes females who work in politics, business, the media, and non-profit organizations.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:29 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-01-world news-africa news-Emissaries to Meet DRC Rebel Leader Friday After Clashes With G
upn-01-world news-africa news-Emissaries to Meet DRC Rebel Leader Friday After Clashes With Government Forces
Emissaries to Meet DRC Rebel Leader Friday After Clashes With Government Forces
By Peter Clottey
Washington, D.C.
29 August 2008
Clottey Interview With VOA'S Jack Kahora - Download (MP3)
Clottey Interview With VOA'S Jack Kahora - Listen (MP3)
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a team of emissaries would be meeting reneged army General Laurent Nkunda today (Friday) following intense fighting between the rebels and government forces. The rebel National Congress for the Defense of the Congolese People (CNDP) is accusing President Joseph Kabila's government of attacking its positions in the restive North Kivu Province, which led to the latest fighting. But the government dismissed the accusation saying it was the rebels who attacked government troops without provocation.
Analysts believe the latest round of clashes could potentially undermine the recently signed ceasefire between the rebels and the government. Jack Kahora is the VOA correspondent. He tells reporter Peter Clottey from Goma near North Kivu province that Congolese are scared of the insecurity generated by the latest clashes.
"The two parties have been fighting, but the fighting which occurred Thursday morning was the most intense since the ceasefire was signed in January. In fact there is a village called Kanumbe that is where the two groups fought Thursday morning. The two parties are accusing each other of having launched the hostilities, but up to now the situation is still unclear who begun the hostilities," Kahora pointed out.
He said the United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo would soon be investigating the hostilities to ascertain what happened.
"MONUC (UN Mission in DRC) is expected to launch investigations and to establish the responsibility between the two belligerents," he said.
Kahora said there has been ongoing clashes between the government and rebel groups in the restive North Kivu Province, which he said has gone un-noticed
"This is not the first time there are clashes between the two groups. But most of the time when there is a fight, there is the intervention of international community, which is involved in the process, but also MONUC, which also tries to approach the two parties. So, there is hope that obviously the two facilitators are going to be involved again and approach the tow parties I'm sure that the CNDP and the government are going to be called and so they can come together and sit together and try to negotiate," Kahora noted.
He said there is an emissary that would meet the rebel leader today (Friday) to ascertain his side of the story.
"I have heard that there is a mission which is expected to go to meet Nkunda's side this Friday morning. And this is to show that maybe this is a way of trying to talk to him and understand what his problem is and how he thinks the situation can be solved," he said.
Kahora said although the situation is unstable there it could still be salvaged.
"The situation is still a bit confusing somehow because there is sometimes no goodwill from both sides either from the CNDP or from the side of the government. It may seem as if each party is trying to focus on the opposition or his view and forget the rest of the population, which is suffering," Kahora said.
He said the insecurity is so bad farmers are unable to go to their farms to grow food for their families.
"The local people have not gone to their fields, they could have already produced six time what they usually produce, but they are unable to have access to their farms and they are just dying of hunger in the IDP (internally Displaced Persons) camps. This is really a situation, which is very dramatically unfortunate, and it seems as if the belligerents don't see the situation as a serious problem, but they are still entrenched in their position and are accusing each other. This is really a serous problem here in north Kivu," he pointed out.
The clashes were reportedly among the worst outbreaks of direct fighting between the rebels and the army since Congo signed a peace deal with more than a dozen armed groups in North and South Kivu provinces in January.
The January peace accord, which is a U.S. and EU-backed attempt to end a year of sporadic violence has struggled since the very beginning.
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September 29, 2008
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September 28, 2008
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August 29, 2008
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August 29, 2008
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August 29, 2008
upn-10-world news-economic news-財經簡訊 記者: 雨田 陳健
財經簡訊 記者: 雨田 陳健
8月份歐元區的零售銷售連續第三個月下降。彭博新聞社委託經濟研究機構Markit Economics進行的調查報告顯示,歐元區採購經理人指數從7月份的46上升到8月份的47.7,這是該指數連續第三個月低於50,表明零售銷售下降。其中,德國的零售銷售指數從46.4下降到44.1,法國的銷售指數從51.3上升到53.7,義大利的指數由38.2升至44.8。
美國的重型機械設備生產商卡特彼勒公司(Caterpillar )表示,受中國和其他新興經濟體的建築和礦業設備需求推動,預計今年公司的銷售將創下歷史記錄。該公司預計,今年在中國市場的銷售將達到20億美元,從而推動公司的全球銷售額突破500億美元。卡特彼勒董事長歐文斯(James Owens)稱,本公司在亞洲擁有相當多的礦業和發電重型設備訂單,因此到2010年公司生產的大多數設備都將售完。
全球最大的鋼鐵生產商阿塞洛-米塔爾集團(Arcelor Mittal),將與中國湖南華菱鋼鐵集團組建合資公司,總投資65億元人民幣(約9.51億美元)。合資協議已於今年8月11日簽署。根據協議,華菱鋼鐵集團和阿塞洛-米塔爾將各持有合資公司50%的股權,公司註冊資本為26億元人民幣,該公司將生產電工鋼。華菱鋼鐵集團稱,目前這項合資協議正在等待政府審批。
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:46 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-09-world news-asia news-亞洲股市
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August 29, 2008
upn-08-world news-u.s.a. news-奧巴馬正式接受提名 抨擊麥凱恩 記者: 美國之音
奧巴馬正式接受提名 抨擊麥凱恩 記者: 美國之音
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:44 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-07-world news-世行:發展中國家貧困人口超預計 記者: 許波
世行:發展中國家貧困人口超預計 記者: 許波
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:43 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-06-world news-u.s.a. news-McCain to Reveal His Vice Presidential Pick Friday
McCain to Reveal His Vice Presidential Pick Friday
By VOA News
29 August 2008
John McCain and his wife Cindy wave as they board the Straight Talk Air campaign charter airplane, 28 Aug 2008
Republican presidential candidate John McCain will celebrate his 72nd birthday Friday by introducing his vice presidential running mate at a rally in Dayton, Ohio.
McCain's campaign announced Thursday the Arizona senator had made his choice, but would not reveal who the person is. McCain himself ignored reporters' questions when he and wife, Cindy, arrived at a Phoenix, Arizona airport to fly to Dayton.
Speculation has grown that McCain will either choose Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty or former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who waged a bitter fight against McCain for the Republican nomination.
Pawlenty canceled a number of media appearances Thursday in Denver, Colorado, where Democratic rival Barack Obama accepted his party's presidential nomination. But it was unclear if there was any connection to the vice presidential pick.
Senator Joe Lieberman
Another possible choice, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, is drawing considerable fire from hardline conservatives over his support for abortion rights. Lieberman was Democrat Al Gore's vice-presidential running mate in 2000. He has since become an independent due to his strong support for the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
Former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge and U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison are also thought to be under consideration.
McCain aired a television advertisement Thursday congratulating Obama on a "job well done" for his historic nomination.
But in a separate statement, McCain's campaign Thursday mocked the classic Greek-style columns on the stage for Obama's speech.
The veteran Arizona lawmaker will formally accept the Republican presidential nomination at the party's national convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.
Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:38 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-05-world news-middle east news-Palestinian President Visits Lebanon
Palestinian President Visits Lebanon
By Edward Yeranian
28 August 2008
Yeranian report - Download (MP3)
Yeranian report - Listen (MP3)
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas is meeting with top Lebanese officials, on a two-day visit, expected to include discussions over the future of the large Palestinian refugee community in Lebanon, and the armed presence of different Palestinian factions on Lebanese soil. Edward Yeranian has more for VOA from Beirut.
Lebanese President Michel Sulayman, left, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas review an honor guard, at the Presidential Palace in suburban Baabda, Lebanon, 28 Aug 2008
The red carpet was out, and an official honor guard stood at attention, as President Michel Sulayman embraced Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at Beirut Airport.
Mr. Abbas met at length with President Sulayman at the Presidential Palace, insisting, afterwards, that he would like to express support for Lebanon's new-found political stability, following the Doha Agreement to form a national unity government in May.
The Palestinian president took great pains to thank Lebanon for what he called the "many sacrifices" it has made for the Palestinian cause, over the years, as well as his sympathy for all the "suffering" that Lebanon has endured.
Responding to a reporter's question about the armed presence of various Palestinian factions in Lebanon, Abbas insisted all Palestinians must respect Lebanon's sovereignty.
He says that his position on Palestinian arms inside Lebanon is that we agree with the Lebanese government completely. Palestinians are present in Lebanon under the law, and not above the law.
Lebanese political leaders have complained over the years that armed Palestinian factions, present in 12 refugee camps scattered across the country, have ignored the law and created pockets of instability.
The Lebanese Army lost more than 100 soldiers last summer, during a bitter and bloody fight with Fatah-al-Islam Palestinian extremists, holed up in the Nahr al Bared refugee camp, outside the port city of Tripoli. The camp was almost totally destroyed during the fighting, and its residents were forced to find refuge, elsewhere.
Former residents of Nahr al Bared continue to live in often squalid temporary quarters, despite official pledges to rebuild the camp.
President Abbas also indicated that his government's official position was that all Palestinian refugees must eventually return to Palestine, and not be settled in Lebanon permanently.
"Palestinian refugees," he said " must have the right to return to their homeland, and we are discussing the issue with Israel and I want to insist on the fact that we are opposed to the implantation of Palestinians in Lebanon."
Souheil Natour, a top leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which belongs to President Abbas' Fatah group, says that Mr. Abbas must stand up for the rights of Palestinian refugees, inside Lebanon, since they are often treated badly.
"One of the aims of the Palestinians is to guarantee the human rights for the Palestinian community in Lebanon, which are negated by all the Lebanese laws," Abbas said. "Until now, we are discriminated against, and I think the suffering of the Palestinians must be ended.
On the other hand, there are a lot of political issues who are not solved between the Palestinians and the Lebanese. One of them is the arms, and I think the Lebanese have their file and the Palestinians have their file. So, positively I hope they will discuss the matters with much more mature experience of the last decades."
The United Nations estimates 400,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon. Most fled to Lebanon in 1947 during what Israel calls its "war of independence," and what Palestinians refer to as their "nukhba" national disaster.
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August 29, 2008
upn-04-world news-asia news-Georgia's Parliament Urges Breaking Diplomatic Ties With Russ
Georgia's Parliament Urges Breaking Diplomatic Ties With Russia
By Peter Heinlein
29 August 2008
Heinlein report - Download (MP3)
Heinlein report - Listen (MP3)
Georgia's parliament is calling on the government to break diplomatic relations with Russia.VOA's Peter Heinlein reports from Tbilisi that the non-binding resolution was approved unanimously.
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visits city of Gori in central Georgia, damaged by Russian airstrikes two weeks ago, 25 Aug 2008
The text of the resolution passed late Thursday urges President Mikheil Saakashvili to declare Russian forces in Georgia "occupiers," and to cut all diplomatic ties with Moscow. All 106 lawmakers present voted in favor of the resolution.
After the vote, Member of Parliament David Darchiashvili of the ruling Unified National Movement called the measure largely symbolic, but said, "We cannot give any name to Russian troops other than 'occupation.'"
During a brief parliamentary debate before the vote, Defense and Security Committee Chairman Nicholas Rurua told lawmakers that "Russia is being ruled by former Soviet security service agents who consider the end of the Cold War as their defeat." He warned that if Russia does not stop what he called "its outrageous actions, it would lead to the disintegration of Russia itself."
Earlier, Rurua told VOA that diplomatic pressure has been effective in moderating Moscow's behavior.
"I think Western pressure already put on Russia has had its effect," he said. "It works and it will work because Russia depends on the West. It's not the Soviet Union that was self-sufficient."
A spokesman for President Saakashvili said he would have no comment on parliament's action. In an interview with the Reuters news agency on Wednesday, the Georgian leader brushed aside the question of breaking ties with Moscow, saying "I would not focus on bilateral relations right now."
Diplomats say a formal act of breaking relations would have little practical effect because all but two Georgian diplomats have already been called home, including the ambassador.
The parliamentary vote came hours after China and several Central Asian nations - the so-called "Shanghai Five" - rebuffed Russia's hopes of international support for its actions in Georgia.
This latest blow, on top of condemnation from the United States and Europe, has left Moscow diplomatically isolated. Georgian political analyst Archil Gegeshidze says even Russia's closest friends are keeping quiet.
"On the diplomatic language, this means Russia has failed," Gegeshidze said. "And so far, only the terroristic organization Hamas has supported Russia's recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Not a single state, not even Venezuela, Cuba, so far they have not said anything in this regard."
A Russian news agency Thursday reported that close ally Belarus might become the first country to join Moscow's recognition of Georgia's two breakaway regions.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:35 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-03-world news-asia news-US Military: More Than 100 Militants Killed in Southern Afghanist
US Military: More Than 100 Militants Killed in Southern Afghanistan
By VOA News
28 August 2008
The U.S.-led coalition says its troops have killed more than 100 militants during three days of fighting in southern Afghanistan.
In a statement Thursday, coalition officials said Afghan and coalition forces were on patrol in Helmand province Monday, when they were attacked several times by militants using gunfire, rocket-propelled grenades, and mortars.
Coalition officials say troops returned fire and called in air support. The fighting continues today.
Earlier, the Afghan defense ministry said Afghan troops were engaged in clashes with militants in the Nad Ali district of Helmand. Several militants were reported killed.
Also, Danish military officials today said Danish troops had witnessed Afghan soldiers shooting and killing an Afghan detainee Wednesday in Helmand. Danish media reports the Afghan prisoner had been in British custody.
Separately, Afghan officials say Afghan security forces have begun taking over command of the the capital, Kabul, from NATO forces.
Officials say the security hand-over is a largely symbolic move to reflect the growing strength of Afghan troops.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced the measure earlier this summer. Foreign troops will continue to patrol parts of Kabul.
There are currently close to 60,000 troops in the Afghan army, and that number is expected to grow.
Also today, President Karzai condemned the killing of a Japanese aid worker, calling it a cowardly act.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:34 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-02-world news-americas news-Argentina, Chile's Leaders Ranked Among World's Power
Argentina, Chile's Leaders Ranked Among World's Powerful Women
By VOA News
28 August 2008
Forbes magazine says the presidents of Argentina and Chile are among the 100 most powerful women in the world.
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (file photo)
The business magazine listed Argentina's President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, as world's 13th most powerful woman.
It reported Chile's President, Michelle Bachelet, as the world's 25th most powerful woman.
Forbes gave the top spot to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a third straight year.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ranked seventh. Rice dropped three slots compared to last year, edged out by, among others, the chief executive of Kraft Foods.
Forbes says the women on the list control about $26 trillion worldwide.
The list includes females who work in politics, business, the media, and non-profit organizations.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:29 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-01-world news-africa news-Emissaries to Meet DRC Rebel Leader Friday After Clashes With G
upn-01-world news-africa news-Emissaries to Meet DRC Rebel Leader Friday After Clashes With Government Forces
Emissaries to Meet DRC Rebel Leader Friday After Clashes With Government Forces
By Peter Clottey
Washington, D.C.
29 August 2008
Clottey Interview With VOA'S Jack Kahora - Download (MP3)
Clottey Interview With VOA'S Jack Kahora - Listen (MP3)
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a team of emissaries would be meeting reneged army General Laurent Nkunda today (Friday) following intense fighting between the rebels and government forces. The rebel National Congress for the Defense of the Congolese People (CNDP) is accusing President Joseph Kabila's government of attacking its positions in the restive North Kivu Province, which led to the latest fighting. But the government dismissed the accusation saying it was the rebels who attacked government troops without provocation.
Analysts believe the latest round of clashes could potentially undermine the recently signed ceasefire between the rebels and the government. Jack Kahora is the VOA correspondent. He tells reporter Peter Clottey from Goma near North Kivu province that Congolese are scared of the insecurity generated by the latest clashes.
"The two parties have been fighting, but the fighting which occurred Thursday morning was the most intense since the ceasefire was signed in January. In fact there is a village called Kanumbe that is where the two groups fought Thursday morning. The two parties are accusing each other of having launched the hostilities, but up to now the situation is still unclear who begun the hostilities," Kahora pointed out.
He said the United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo would soon be investigating the hostilities to ascertain what happened.
"MONUC (UN Mission in DRC) is expected to launch investigations and to establish the responsibility between the two belligerents," he said.
Kahora said there has been ongoing clashes between the government and rebel groups in the restive North Kivu Province, which he said has gone un-noticed
"This is not the first time there are clashes between the two groups. But most of the time when there is a fight, there is the intervention of international community, which is involved in the process, but also MONUC, which also tries to approach the two parties. So, there is hope that obviously the two facilitators are going to be involved again and approach the tow parties I'm sure that the CNDP and the government are going to be called and so they can come together and sit together and try to negotiate," Kahora noted.
He said there is an emissary that would meet the rebel leader today (Friday) to ascertain his side of the story.
"I have heard that there is a mission which is expected to go to meet Nkunda's side this Friday morning. And this is to show that maybe this is a way of trying to talk to him and understand what his problem is and how he thinks the situation can be solved," he said.
Kahora said although the situation is unstable there it could still be salvaged.
"The situation is still a bit confusing somehow because there is sometimes no goodwill from both sides either from the CNDP or from the side of the government. It may seem as if each party is trying to focus on the opposition or his view and forget the rest of the population, which is suffering," Kahora said.
He said the insecurity is so bad farmers are unable to go to their farms to grow food for their families.
"The local people have not gone to their fields, they could have already produced six time what they usually produce, but they are unable to have access to their farms and they are just dying of hunger in the IDP (internally Displaced Persons) camps. This is really a situation, which is very dramatically unfortunate, and it seems as if the belligerents don't see the situation as a serious problem, but they are still entrenched in their position and are accusing each other. This is really a serous problem here in north Kivu," he pointed out.
The clashes were reportedly among the worst outbreaks of direct fighting between the rebels and the army since Congo signed a peace deal with more than a dozen armed groups in North and South Kivu provinces in January.
The January peace accord, which is a U.S. and EU-backed attempt to end a year of sporadic violence has struggled since the very beginning.
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