2008年8月16日 星期六

upn-taipei news & world news & world lottery-hong kong lottery

upn-world lottery- hong kong lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 香港六合彩 : 2008 8 月 16 saturday
upn-world lottery- hong kong lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 香港六合彩 : 2008 8 月 16 saturday

upn-world lottery- hong kong lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 香港六合彩 : 2008 8 月 16 saturday

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2008 august 18 monday


台灣 539 預測號碼 8 月 18 monday


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uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:39 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 30, 2008
upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化



uptoday at 無名小站 於 03:36 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:51 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 27, 2008
upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!


uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-taipei news-11-medical news-高血脂長年治療不見其效 竟是肌肉疼痛惹的禍1!
高血脂長年治療不見其效 竟是肌肉疼痛惹的禍1!
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1. Stein EA, et al. Am J Cardiol 2008;101:490-496
2. Bruckert E, et al. Cardiovasc Drug and Ther. 2005;19:403-414
3. Okamura T, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56:529-35; Brescianini S, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003;51:991-6.
4. Staffa JA, et al. N Engl J Med. 2002;346:539-540

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患者: 甘伯伯





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資料來源:Bruckert E. JACC 2005;45(Supp lA): 831-5


資料來源:Bruckert E, et al. Cardiovasc Drug and Ther. 2005;19:403-414


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:27 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-taipei news-10-百位餓死鬼上身 馬蓓婕14天爆肥20kg?
百位餓死鬼上身 馬蓓婕14天爆肥20kg?






uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:25 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-taipei news-09-驚艷米勒─田園之美畫展」典藏暨財信傳媒貴賓之夜




三、與會貴賓:今周刊發行人 謝金河、信義房屋董事長 周俊吉、

寶來投信總經理 劉宗聖、元大銀行董事長 顏慶章、華頓證券投信副董 羅立群、

施羅德證券投顧總裁 巫慧燕、寶格麗總經理 胡瑞等近百名貴賓

★ 詳情請見附檔


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:23 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-taipei news-08-brand news-世界級彩大手筆回饋消費者 打造雅詩蘭黛名媛之夜
世界級彩大手筆回饋消費者 打造雅詩蘭黛名媛之夜
比照鴻海夫人歸寧夜2倍規格 人人都能麻雀變鳳凰
名人明星燿燿齊聚 讓消費者體驗金字塔頂端的聚會
最經典的妝容 最時尚的彩妝
『My Cover-雅詩蘭黛名媛之夜』

Date:2008/8/16 (六)
Time:18:30進場 / 19:00-21:00活動進行

雅詩蘭黛舉辦的My Cover活動風光邁入十周年,這次為了擴大慶祝並回饋消費者,特地舉辦了My Cover-雅詩蘭黛名媛之夜,邀請了全省報名參加My Cover活動的消費者一同出席。此外還邀請了雅詩蘭黛美麗大使蔡淑臻及伊林名模王麗雅、王亭又、李培禎搭配時尚F4中的高以翔、丁春誠一同走秀,名設計師 潘怡良也將特地為這次的活動專門設計四款符合名媛妝容的時裝。


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:21 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-taipei news-07-medical news-指甲「壁癌」上身 變色剝落渾然不知?!指甲『壁癌』找上你 灰指甲保健新對策記者會
指甲「壁癌」上身 變色剝落渾然不知?!
「黴」跡斑斑! 灰指甲1/3家中感染 稚齡孩童也遭殃!
專業醫師分享”除指甲壁癌”全新觀念 發表灰指甲特殊案例、保健123對策
剖析最新全台皮膚科醫師灰指甲臨床調查 籲正確治療心態與行為
小心!指甲『壁癌』找上你 灰指甲保健新對策記者會
時 間 : 2008年8月21日(四) 13:00-15:00 (12:30開放進場)
地 點 :

外觀變色、剝落 黴菌叢生 居家環境成危險傳播場所


現場邀請台大皮膚科主治醫師 廖怡華,現場分享特殊案例、公佈最新皮膚科醫師灰指甲臨床調查結果!




uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:19 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-world news-06-u.s.a. news-US Funding Aims to Boost Renewable Energy
US Funding Aims to Boost Renewable Energy
By Brian Wagner
15 August 2008

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Wagner report - Listen (MP3)

The United States plans to spend $600 million in coming years to propel development of renewable fuels and other new energy solutions. The funding goes along with millions that private investors are spending to find ways to cut the nation's dependence on oil. VOA's Brian Wagner recently met with business and research leaders striving to find the best new energy solutions.

The future of alternative energy appears to be rich, whether it is the potential of new biofuels, citrus peel or farm waste products to supply new energy sources.

At a recent conference in Florida, green entrepreneurs met with researchers and farmers to plot the industry's future. Scores of research firms are developing conversion methods to process a variety of raw materials into ethanol. Farmers are finding ways to turn long overlooked products, like livestock manure and non-food crops, into fuel supplies.

Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer told delegates that green energy is creating great new opportunities for the U.S. economy, especially in the farming sector.

"There is no turning back from a future in which more of our energy resources are grown and harvested in a sensible way," he said. "That means agriculture is going to be right in the middle of the game."

Schafer said, under a newly approved farm bill, officials plan to spend $600 million over the next five years to develop and implement new energy technologies, including biofuel crops. That comes in addition to $35 million already being spent.

Green entrepreneurs say federal support is crucial to propel development of advanced technologies that are needed for new energy solutions. Federal loans also are an important tool to give nascent projects the chance to develop into successful businesses.

Some business leaders say government spending still is not enough to offset oil expenditures in the United States, which consumes about 20 million barrels of oil each day. Agriculture Secretary Schafer faced some tough questions from green business leaders at the recent conference.

"Investing 30 million, 50 million even 100 million seems very small in comparison with the opportunities and the size of the problem," said one attendee.

Schafer said he agrees that more money should be spent, and that is why officials are trying to encourage more private investment.

"It is not just a government effort, it is private sector, too," he says. "But we are not spending enough money. We are just saying let that oil come in from overseas and we are not doing enough about it."

In Florida, officials are trying to capitalize on the boom in green technology. Governor Charlie Crist has sought to expand energy research programs at state universities and ordered energy companies to begin offering more electricity from renewable sources. He says his goal is to draw green businesses to the state.

"I believe that Florida can be the green technology hub of America, and clearly the equivalent of the Silicon Valley of green," he says. "Florida can be known as energy and green industry leaders throughout the world."

Alan Hodges, an agricultural economist at the University of Florida, has been following the renewable energy field for more than 20 years. He says federal and state initiatives have created a unique climate for growth now.

"There is tremendous interest right now," he says. "I don't think there has ever been more interest than there is now, and it is all because of high oil prices."

Government and private sector interest in new energy has come and gone before.

Joseph Weissman of Aurora Biofuels has been researching the potential of growing algae as a potential source of fuel oil since the oil crisis of the late 1970s. As certain algae grow, they produce oils that can be harvested and converted into fuel. He said government funds helped advance his work until gasoline prices dropped a few years later, and public funding disappeared.

He says the involvement of more private money will help ensure the development of new energy technologies into the future.

"That was lacking in the past, it was all government money," Weissman says. "Plus government money isn't driven by the same forces. When someone [private investor] has invested money in something they will see it through one way or another. The government may change its mind overnight."

Researchers say it is difficult to determine whether algae or another technology is the most promising for the future, and when the general public can expect to see the benefits. But they agree that energy costs will continue to remain high, driving further interest in new energy sources in the future.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:16 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-world news-05-middle east news-Iraqi President Undergoes Heart Surgery in US
Iraqi President Undergoes Heart Surgery in US
By VOA News
14 August 2008

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani (file photo)
Iraqi officials say President Jalal Talabani has undergone heart surgery and is recovering in a U.S. hospital.

Officials of Mr. Talabani's political party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, said Thursday the operation took place on August 6 at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. They said the surgery was a success and that Mr. Talabani will soon be released.

An official who declined to be named said the Iraqi president will travel to Washington later this week before returning to Iraq.

Mr. Talabani left Iraq for the United States on August 2. His office said he would undergo medical tests and treatment for his knee.

The Mayo Clinic confirmed that Mr. Talabani was a patient but gave no further information.

Mr. Talabani, an ethnic Kurd, has been president of Iraq since 2005.

The Iraqi leader was in the United States in June and met with U.S. President George Bush. Reports at that time also said he underwent medical treatment.



uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:15 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-world news-04-europe news-Russia's President Says Breakaway Regions Not Likely to Ret
Russia's President Says Breakaway Regions Not Likely to Return to Georgia
By Emma Stickgold
15 August 2008

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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Friday it is unlikely that the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia will rejoin Georgia after a week of violent clashes. He offered the prediction just before Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili announced that he had signed a truce agreement with Russia. Emma Stickgold has this report for VOA from Moscow.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, 15 Aug 2008
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met in the Black Sea coast city Sochi not far from Georgia and its breakaway provinces to discuss the unfolding events of the last week.

Mr. Medvedev said Georgia was not likely to bring Abkhazia and South Ossetia back into the fold. He said that after what happened the past seven days, it is unlikely Ossetians and Abkhazians will ever be able to live together with Georgia in one state.

All week, Russian troops have been driving Georgian forces out of the regions, and Mr. Medvedev said Russia will leave it up to the separatists to decide their future status.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel echoed the words of U.S. President George Bush. She said Russia's response to Georgia's attack on South Ossetia was "disproportionate," and said that Russian troops staying in the area is "not sensible."

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met for five hours with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in Tblisi Friday to bring what a U.S. Department of State official called "clarifying explanations" regarding the French-brokered truce. The Georgian president said he signed a cease-fire agreement with Russia.

Secretary Rice emphasized that all Russian troops must return to the positions they held before the conflict began.

An emotional Saakashvili said he will "never, ever surrender" in the showdown with much-larger Russia.

The recent violence was the worst to break out since South Ossetia declared independence from Georgia in 1992.

Separatists in Abkhazia took control of most of the province from Georgia in 1993.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:14 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-taipei news-03-asia news-Nepal Selects Maoist Leader as Prime Minister
Nepal Selects Maoist Leader as Prime Minister
By Steve Herman
New Delhi
15 August 2008

Herman report - Download (MP3)
Herman report - Listen (MP3)

Legislators in the Himalayan nation of Nepal on Friday selected, by a wide margin, a former guerilla leader to be the country's new prime minister. VOA Correspondent Steve Herman, in our South Asia bureau in New Delhi, reports on the ascent of the Maoist, known as Prachanda, who spent a quarter century in hiding and then led a ten-year civil war against Nepal's monarchy and the army.

Prachanda gestures as he returns after filing his nomination papers in Katmandu, Nepal, 14 Aug 2008
A charismatic 53-year-old Maoist, who led the armed struggle against Nepal's government, has been selected as the new republic's first prime minister. The chairman of the special legislative assembly, Subash Nemwang, announced the results.

The chairman declares the former rebel chief, known as Prachanda, the new prime minister, receiving 464 votes. His opponent, the Nepali Congress party candidate, Sher Bahadur Deuba, received 113 votes. Deuba is a former prime minister whose rejection of the Maoist's demands in the mid-1990's led the communists to take up arms.

Prachanda, whose real name is Pushpa Kamal Dahal, will lead a Maoist-led coalition government. The Maoists scored a surprise upset victory in April's national elections. But they fell short of the majority needed in the interim parliament to elect their own leader as the head of government without allies. Another communist party (Unified Marxist Leninist) and several smaller groups allied with the Maoists in the voting Friday evening against the Nepali Congress party.

The selection by the nearly 600-member interim parliament of the new prime minister ends a four-month period of political instability under which 84-year-old Girija Prasad Koirala, who has been prime minister four times, clung to power.

Nepal became a republic at the end of May when the unpopular Hindu monarchy was abolished, bringing down the curtain on 240 years of rule under the Peacock Throne of the Shah dynasty.

The Maoists agreed to a peace deal in 2006 after then-King Gyanendra was compelled by massive public protest to end a period of authoritarian rule.

The former rebels will inherit a barely functioning government facing serious challenges. The Himalayan country is one of Asia's poorest, with surging crime and food prices, a chronic shortage of fuel and an estimated 200,000 refugees displaced by the war.

In the southern Terai plains, the ethnic Madheshi group, long excluded from the political mainstream, is agitating for autonomy. And there are concerns about the often violent wing of the Maoists, known as the Young Communist League. How they and the former guerillas, whose weapons are secured under United Nations supervision, integrate into the new democratic society, is seen as the crucial factor for Nepal achieving long-term peace and stability.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:13 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-world news-02-americas news-Ex-Bishop Becomes New President of Paraguay
Ex-Bishop Becomes New President of Paraguay
By VOA News
15 August 2008

Fernando Lugo, left, takes the oath of office during his inauguration ceremony in Asuncion, 15 Aug 2008
Former Roman Catholic bishop Fernando Lugo has been inaugurated as Paraguay's new president.

Thousands of Paraguayans attended the inauguration Friday morning. Mr. Lugo was wearing sandals and a simple white shirt as he was sworn in as president in front of Paraguay's Congress. He addressed the crowd in both Spanish and the Guarani indigenous language.

In attendance were several regional presidents, including Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Argentina's Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, and Evo Morales of Bolivia.

The new Paraguayan president has pledged to do away with the misery and corruption that has defined the poor, land-locked nation. He says he will fight poverty and deliver land to impoverished citizens nationwide during his five-year term.

Mr. Lugo was elected in April, ending the 61-year rule of the country's Colorado Party. He heads the center-left Patriotic Alliance for Change - a coalition that includes the main opposition party, trade unions, farm groups and Indians.

Once called the bishop of the poor, Mr. Lugo was ordained into the priesthood in 1977, but two years ago, he said he wanted to run for political office.

Late last month, the Vatican allowed the 57-year-old to resign as bishop and changed his status to layman so he could take office without violating Church rules.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 04:11 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 16, 2008
upn-world news-01-africa news-Former Chadian President Sentenced to Death
Former Chadian President Sentenced to Death
By VOA News
15 August 2008

Hissene Habre
A Chadian court has issued a death sentence for exiled former President Hissene Habre.

Court officials in the capital, N'djamena, say 11 Chadian rebel leaders also were sentenced to death in absentia Friday. The defendants were accused of crimes against state security and trying to overturn the constitutional order.

Thirty-one other rebels were convicted in absentia and sentenced to life with hard labor.

Habre's lawyer, El Hadji Diouf, reacted angrily to news of the death sentence, saying he had heard nothing of a trial in Chad.

Habre has been living in Senegal since fleeing Chad in 1990, when his government was overthrown by current President Idriss Deby.

Senegal has moved closer to putting Habre on trial for human rights abuses. He is accused of killing tens of thousands of political opponents and torturing hundreds of thousands of others during his rule. He has denied the accusations.

Last month, Senegal's parliament passed legislation that set the legal framework to put the former president on trial. The measure abolished the statute of limitations on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Among those sentenced to death is Mahamat Nouri of the rebel National Alliance. Chad has accused Nouri of taking part in a failed coup attempt in February that left 700 people dead.


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