2008年4月16日 星期三

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世界樂透 台灣 539 world lottery-taiwan 539

世界樂透 台灣 539 world lottery-taiwan 539

世界樂透 台灣 539 world lottery-taiwan 539

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2008 世界樂透 台灣 539 97 4 月 16 星期 3 預測號碼. world lottery-taiwan 539 today lucky 7 number april 16 wednesday 2008

台灣 539 today lucky 7 number
03 08 09 20 38
taiwan 539 today lucky 7 number

03 08 09 20 38


uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:15 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008



時間 活動內容
13:30-14:00 來賓入場
14:00-14:05 主持人開場
14:05-14:20 長官致詞
14:20-14:23 台灣國土之美 郵票介紹
14:23-14:25 起跑儀式
14:25- 結語


uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:34 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008
2008年台灣國際銀髮族暨健康照護產業展」銀髮未來 開啟美容休閒新戰場

銀髮未來 開啟美容休閒新戰場

【4月16日外貿協會訊】受惠於先進醫學和良好的營養,銀髮族壽命已大幅延長,目前全球人數最多的世代 — 戰後嬰兒潮(1945-1965出生者),總計約有兩億人將在5到25年之間步入老年階段,成為未來消費市場的焦點族群。人類追求美麗的天性,使美容保健被公認為成長最快速的產業之一,據估計,台灣美容市場年產值約600億元新台幣,而美容儀器年產值也將近30億元新台幣,年增率更高達40%。而日漸增多的銀髮族群對於抗老養生的需求更使美容保健產業前景看好........ (精采內容請詳附件)。


uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:33 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008
DIGITIMES 10週年科技論壇「變革與交替-邁向科技大未來」新聞稿
DIGITIMES 10週年科技論壇




面對一個不同以往的全新時代,DIGITIMES期許自己扮演產業最尖端的Media、Marketing、Consulting角色,對這樣的趨勢轉變投入十二萬分的關注,並帶給讀者最有價值的資訊。因此特別於4月17日DIGITIMES 10週年,舉辦【DIGITIMES 10週年科技論壇 變革與交替-邁向科技大未來】,邀請您與科技產業各領域領導者,共同分享產業未來變革與因應之策,歡迎媒體朋友出席採訪。



時 間 議   題 主講人
08:30~09:00 來賓報到
09:00~09:10 江丙坤先生致詞
09:10~09:20 DHL致詞
09:20~10:10 面板產業的發展與未來 友達光電董事長 李焜耀
10:10~10:30 Tea/Break
10:30~11:20 網通產業技術整合與未來風貌 友訊科技總經理 廖志誠
11:20~12:10 LED產業的革新與應用 晶元光電董事長 李秉傑
12:10~13:10 午餐休息
13:10~13:30 來賓報到
13:30~14:20 節能趨勢下 科技業的省思與策略 台達電子執行長 海英俊
14:20~14:40 Tea/Break
14:40~15:30 百元油價時代的太陽能產業 茂迪公司董事長 左元淮
15:30~16:20 台灣ICT產業的新商機 宏碁公司董事長 王振堂
16:20 預約未來10年






uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:30 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008






2008年4月17日(四)am10:30 ~


台北經營管理研究院基金會會議室 (台北市基隆路二段221號4樓)





uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:28 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008
大和屋日本國際美食館 4月15日 心鮮開館 〮好熱鬧 推出日式懷石宴客 . 慶開幕 5折賞新悅食價
大和屋日本國際美食館 4月15日 心鮮開館 〮好熱鬧
推出日式懷石宴客 . 慶開幕 5折賞新悅食價

龍邦僑園會館與台中最富盛名的日式懷石新食尚 大和屋餐廳合作,星級國際宴會場地提供日式懷石宴客佳餚,在4月15日盛大開幕,很感謝各位貴賓熱情蒞臨、共襄盛舉,使得開幕氣氛好熱鬧,當天活動中,現場還有民俗特技表演、最新鮮的東港鮪魚品嚐及茶點迎賓,以強調優質服務、高品質的用餐環境及可設席百桌的寬敞用餐空間,爲新北投帶來新優勢。
活動當天更榮幸邀請到 僑務委員會 張富美 委員長、鄭東興 副委員長、楊黃美幸 副委員長、陳宗文 副委員長 及 前立委 謝明源 先生,蒞臨龍邦僑園會館致賀,開幕活動可說是順利圓滿成功。
大和屋日本國際美食館 五大優勢 : 1.五星級金牌主廚及廚師團隊 2.可設席100桌寬敞空間 3.頂級燈光音響設備器材 4.環場音響設備銀幕 5.個性化貼心婚禮顧問團隊,專人為您規劃及服務。
自4月15日至4月22日開幕期間,凡至大和屋 午晚餐宴席NT$8000元/10人,限時賞味特價NT$4000元;每天限量30桌 5折悅食價,敬請把握良機。另外 凡消費即送龍邦僑園會館 超值折價券,平日6折 假日7折之住宿及泡湯優惠。(張紓潔)


uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:27 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008
2700 visitors converge on Singapore for the inaugural WiMAX Forum® show
9 - 10 April 2008
Singapore, Asia

Defining the Future of the Mobile Internet
To visit the website click here

2700 visitors converge on Singapore for the inaugural WiMAX Forum® show

On April 9-10, 2008, 2700 visitors converged on the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre for the inaugural WiMAX Forum Congress Asia, establishing the show as the largest and most important WiMAX™ event for the Asia Pacific continent.

“We are very pleased with the inaugural WiMAX Forum Congress Asia event,” said Ron Resnick, president and chairman of the WiMAX Forum. “We surpassed our attendance expectations, provided the WiMAX industry with a trade show that was high energy and busy on the exhibit floor for both days and facilitated extensive networking and information gathering opportunities with the experts from key vendors - all under one roof. Our conference was well received, as we tried to create an engaging and interactive program with opportunities for provocative panel discussions and audience participation, as well as details by service providers outlining their experiences and plans to deploy WiMAX.”

Visitors, representing the full mobile broadband ecosystem, meet with over 50 exhibiting companies over the two days. The packed exhibition floor was a buzz as visitors networked and secured business relationships with new and existing customers, while over 500 delegates attended the two day conference, which addressed the key issues surrounding the WiMAX industry across the Asia Pacific region. Visitors to WiMAX Forum congress Asia commented;

• “A must attend event”
• “Very focused”
• “Great first show, a great event and a great opportunity”
• “A true bridge between providers and operators and markets”
• “The whole WiMAX ecosystem under one roof”

Ecstatic exhibitors had a fantastic event and showed their support by signing up for the 2009 show on April 28-29, 2009 in Singapore. At the close of the exhibition over 92% of the 2008 floor space had already been taken for 2009.

• Jo McLean, Group Marketing Manager for Aircom International commented, “I found the quality of the leads fantastic. A really focused event.”
• Dan Sparks, VP of Sales, Solectek said “It was a great first time experience.”
• Ciritech had a positive event too, Narlin Kapila their VP of Marketing claimed, “This Event has drawn quality visitors involved within the WiMAX industry.”
• John Romano, Sr. Marcomm Manager at Beceem stated, “The show had a good focus and was well organised. Informa is a class operation.”

The WiMAX Forum® and its event partner, Informa Telecoms & Media, will now turn their attention to the next show in the series, the WiMAX Forum Global Congress. WiMAX Forum Global Congress, the flagship event in the series, will take place in Amsterdam on June 17-18, 2008 and is expecting to attract over 80 exhibitors and 5000 attendees.

“We look forward to building on our success here in Singapore by providing the WiMAX ecosystem with a global trade show experience and global presence by vendors to present a broad mix of new products to assist operators in deciding their strategy to consider or deploy WiMAX,” said Resnick. “Our events are clear evidence that WiMAX, with the capability to deliver Mobile Internet and fixed broadband services, is here today and our members are dedicated to bringing WiMAX Forum Certified mobile broadband products and services to consumers worldwide.”

About WiMAX Forum®

The WiMAX Forum® is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization formed to certify and promote the compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products based upon the harmonized IEEE 802.16/ETSI HiperMAN standard. A WiMAX Forum goal is to accelerate the introduction of these systems into the marketplace. WiMAX Forum Certified products are interoperable and support broadband fixed, nomadic, portable and mobile services. Along these lines, the WiMAX Forum works closely with service providers and regulators to ensure that WiMAX Forum Certified systems meet customer and government requirements. Through the WiMAX Forum Congress Events Series of global trade shows and events, the WiMAX Forum is committed to furthering education, training and collaboration to expand the reach of the WiMAX ecosystem. For more information, visit the trade show link at www.wimaxforum.org.

"WiMAX Forum" is a registered trademark of the WiMAX Forum. "WiMAX," the WiMAX Forum logo, "WiMAX Forum Certified," and the WiMAX Forum Certified logo are trademarks of the WiMAX Forum. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

# # #

About Informa Telecoms & Media

Probably best known as creators of the 3GSM World Congress Event Series, Informa Telecoms & Media is the leading provider of market intelligence and strategic services to the global telecoms and media markets. From large exhibitions to focused conferences, Informa Telecoms & Media brings the industry together to enable progress within the dynamic telecoms and media markets. With more than 200 annual events attended by more than 100,000 executives, Informa Telecoms and Media is the world’s leading conference and exhibition organizer in the telecoms and media sector.

Through its team of more than 100 analysts and researchers, Informa Telecoms & Media also produces and distributes business information products using innovative formats and powerful channels that meet the real business needs of their customers. Informa Telecoms & Media's research services, reports and databases guide the decisions of blue chip clients around the world.

Media Contact:

For more information, contact:

David Langrish
Informa Telecoms & Media for WiMAX Forum
+44 (0)207 017 7788

Margaret Bagan
WiMAX Forum

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uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:25 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008
DIGITIMES 10週年感恩晚宴-變革與交替
DIGITIMES 10週年感恩晚宴-變革與交替

(台北訊)在科技業朋友的支持下,DIGITIMES滿10歲了。4月17日 10週年慶這一天,我們希望把喜悅分享給長期支持我們的朋友,因此舉辦感恩晚宴。這次DIGITIMES感恩晚宴特別邀請了總統當選人馬英九先生、國民黨智庫科技組召集人薛香川先生、台北縣長周錫瑋先生、人稱「DRAM先生」的前三星多媒體事業群總裁暨前韓國情報通信部部長陳大濟先生,以及學界、科技業領袖180人。

DIGITIMES 10週年感恩晚宴以「變革與交替」為主題。2008年,全球政經情勢都處在重大變革中,台灣更將因為政權移轉,使得兩岸關係出現空前的改變;科技業本身也從封閉的PC時代走向百花齊放的新電子時代。

晚宴中,陳大濟先生將擔任Keynote speaker,與來賓們分享韓國科技產業快速崛起的經驗。陳大濟先生一度是韓國三星最有希望的CEO人選,2005年獲選為美國商業周刊亞洲之星;他將就本身參與的經驗,分享政府任內推動的IT839計畫,該計畫加速韓國IT產業躋身世界一強。







uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:24 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
April 16, 2008
威寶股東會通過今年目標用戶數100萬營業額60億元股東常會通過新增一席董事 由總經理張豊雄擔任

股東常會通過新增一席董事 由總經理張豊雄擔任




金寶電子工業股份有限公司 許勝雄 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司 曹萬鈞

仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司 張豊雄 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司 陳瑞聰

台灣肥料股份有限公司 戴志鴻 中華開發工業銀行(股)公司 楊鎧蟬

兆豐國際商業銀行(股)公司 邱創興 金寶電子工業股份有限公司 邱平和

金寶電子工業股份有限公司 許勝傑 金寶電子工業股份有限公司 楊哲城

仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司 柯長崎


鵬寶科技股份有限公司 郭賢明

鵬寶科技股份有限公司 沈文忠


* * * * * * * * * *



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