2008年4月8日 星期二

第三屆「亞洲民主人權獎」遴選正式開始Nominations Third Annual Asia Democracy & Human Rights Award TAIPEI , 8 April 2008 : The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy





第二屆「亞洲民主人權獎」得獎者為辛西雅.蒙格醫生(Dr. Cynthia Maung)。辛西雅醫生長期於泰國-緬甸邊界,為成千上萬受到緬甸軍政府打壓且暴力對待而逃亡的難民及移民,進行無私的奉獻與服務。除了訓練且教育緬甸難民,辛西雅.蒙格醫生創造了具共同價值觀及尊重人權的社群。2007年12月13日陳水扁總統頒發「亞洲民主人權獎」獎座,臺灣民主基金會王金平董事長則頒發10萬美元獎金給辛西雅.蒙格醫生。而首屆的「亞洲民主人權獎」則是同樣由陳水扁總統頒發獎座,臺灣民主基金會王金平董事長頒發10萬美元獎金給總部設於巴黎之「無國界記者」組織(Reporters Sans Frontières, RSF),由該組織秘書長羅伯特·梅納德(Robert Ménard)親自抵台代表領獎。今年,第三屆「亞洲民主人權獎」將於國際人權日12月10日當天舉辦,屆時也將邀請總統來頒發獎座。



電話:+886-2-2708-0100, 電子郵件:tfd@taiwandemocracy.org.tw





第二屆「亞洲民主人權獎」得獎者為辛西雅.蒙格醫生(Dr. Cynthia Maung)。辛西雅醫生長期於泰國-緬甸邊界,為成千上萬受到緬甸軍政府打壓且暴力對待而逃亡的難民及移民,進行無私的奉獻與服務。除了訓練且教育緬甸難民,辛西雅.蒙格醫生創造了具共同價值觀及尊重人權的社群。2007年12月13日陳水扁總統頒發「亞洲民主人權獎」獎座,臺灣民主基金會王金平董事長則頒發10萬美元獎金給辛西雅.蒙格醫生。而首屆的「亞洲民主人權獎」則是同樣由陳水扁總統頒發獎座,臺灣民主基金會王金平董事長頒發10萬美元獎金給總部設於巴黎之「無國界記者」組織(Reporters Sans Frontières, RSF),由該組織秘書長羅伯特·梅納德(Robert Ménard)親自抵台代表領獎。今年,第三屆「亞洲民主人權獎」將於國際人權日12月10日當天舉辦,屆時也將邀請總統來頒發獎座。



電話:+886-2-2708-0100, 電子郵件:tfd@taiwandemocracy.org.tw

做為亞洲地區所建立的第一個國家級民主基金會,臺灣民主基金會的基本理念是在全民共識的基礎上,建立一個永續經營、具遠景並運作透明化的超黨派機構,透過凝聚政黨、民間組織力量,共同為擴大臺灣參與全球民主接軌及鞏固民主實績而努力。更多有關本會資訊,歡迎上本會網站http://www.tfd.org.tw。 Call for (TFD) today announces that it is now accepting nominations for the third annual Asia Democracy & Human Rights Award (ADHRA). Since the TFD’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved the Award Guidelines on 21 March 2006, with the enthusiastic support of Chair man Wang Jin-pyng (Speaker of the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s parliament), the ADHRA has served to recognize, encourage, and support those working for democracy and human rights in the Asian region. The TFD confers the Award each year on one individual or institution that has demonstrated long-term commitment to and outstanding leadership in advancing democracy or advocating human rights through peaceful means in the region. The Award consists of a grant of US$100,000 to support the ongoing work of the laureate and his or her organization, as well as an award sculpture. The TFD awarded the 2007 ADHRA to Dr. Cynthia Maung for her efforts to serve the Burmese refugee community and building respect for human rights along the Thai-Burmese border. President Chen Shui-bian presented the Award to Dr. Cynthia at a ceremony in Taipei on 13 December 2007 , and Chair man Wang Jin-pyng presented the Award grant. On 28 January 2007 , the inaugural ADHRA was presented by President Chen Shui-bian and the Award grant by Chair man Wang Jin-pyng to Reporters sans frontières (Reporters Without Borders) at a ceremony in Taipei . Mr. Robert Ménard, Secretary General and founder of Reporters sans frontières, accepted the Award personally on behalf of the organization. The third annual ADHRA will be presented this year at a ceremony on 10 December, International Human Rights Day, and the president will be invited to confer the Award. Nominations are open to the public, effective immediately. Nominations should be made by at least two credible international democracy or human rights organizations or individuals and submitted no later than 30 June. The complete rules for the Award process, as well as nomination forms, are available for download on the TFD's website, http://www.tfd.org.tw. Contact Info rmation: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, +886-2-2708-0100, tfd@taiwandemocracy.org.tw The TFD is the first national democracy assistance foundation in Asia , established in June 2003 with an integrated, two-track mission. Domestically, the TFD strives to play a positive role in consolidating Taiwan ’s democracy and fortifying its commitment to human rights; internationally, the Foundation hopes to become a strong link the world’s democratic network, joining forces with related organizations around the world. For further information, please visit http://www.tfd.org.tw .


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